Overwhelmed? Stressed? Confused? with Your Student Loan Debt

There are so many mixed messages surrounding student loans right now. But don't worry, we can help! Using our online student loan tool you can avoid hours talking to your service provider and see the best solution for your situation – at no charge! So, what are you waiting for?
Parent Plus Loans..FFEL Loans...SAVE Program...Default Resolution...Forgiveness...Cancellation...Forbearance...IDR Program

Let Us Help

Navigating student debt relief can feel like a maze with over 32 loan types, 43 distinct loan statuses and 10 programs based on your loan date – that’s a whopping 18,000 potential combinations! It's easy to miss out on the best program if you don't see the whole picture. And here's the thing, there's no do-over in Federal debt relief.

But hey, don't stress! Our online tool engages with you, asking tailored questions about your Federal and private loans, as well as your financial situation. In just about 20 minutes, 1000 data points are analyzed against 1200 rules to provide you with a clear set of recommendations and a step-by-step action plan.

See Your Student Loan Savings in Minutes

Our online tool analyzes your data against the available programs and recommends the BEST solution based on your goals for FREE in about 20 minutes! There is no cost to see how much you will save or what program is the right fit.

Since student loan repayments restarted in October 2023, we have helped thousands find a solution to eliminate all or some of their debt burden.
Average Monthly
Payment Savings Found
Average Total Repayment
Savings Found
Users Discovered
Users Discovered

How Do I Get Started?

In about 20 minutes, find the right solution to tackle your student loan debt. See if your situation qualifies for a lower monthly payment plus forgiveness and cancellation. Plus, access to our Basic plan is FREE, and provides all the all tools you need to make this plan a reality.

On average, users have found about $331 in savings per month and 55% found forgiveness. Create an account today to find out if you have available savings, too!
Recommended Plan Screenshot

Create a FREE online account

Start by giving us some basic information and confirm your account via email. No credit card required!

Enter Your Financial Details and Goals

Share your income, tax filing status and family size. Plus, we'll ask you about your debt repayment goals and take that into account when recommending the right path.

Upload Your Student Loan Data

All your Federal loan data is organized in one file (NSLDS) providing over 60 data points on each loan. This file is critical to understanding the full picture of your debt. If you don't have this file, we can help you get it with your FSA account on studentaid.gov.

Click to see how to download your NSLDS file

This file is necessary for us to conduct an in-depth analysis, allowing us to evaluate everything you're eligible for and provide the best solution – and the most savings! If you haven't logged into your FSA account in awhile, you may be prompted to complete two-factor authentication.

Complete the Questionnaire

Using the data you provided, our AI prompts questions specifically designed to quickly and comprehensively grasp your financial situation.

See Your Personalized Student Loan Analysis

We’ll recommend the best plan based on your financial goals. See a description of the plan, your monthly & total repayment estimates, the term length and if you qualify for any cancellation or forgiveness.

Take Action

Included for free in the Basic plan are all the tools and forms to prepare, sign and submit your new action plan into reality. As an upgrade, we can also help automate the process or connect you with a student loan certified counselor.

What Do I Need to Begin?

Dedicated Time

Set aside at least 20 minutes to complete the questionnaire. While you can use your phone, a tablet or computer may be best to upload your data.

Annual Income

We'll ask you some basic financial questions. So grab last year’s tax return – or we can help you calculate your AGI based on your wages.

Student Loan Data File

You’ll need to download your NSLDS file from the FSA site. If you don't have it, we can help – make sure you know your FSA ID and password.

Is Free, Really Free?

To make sure everyone gets the help they need with their student loans, our Basic Plan is completely free—no credit card required! If you need a little extra support, you can upgrade to one of our enhanced plans, which help streamline completing the forms or connecting you with a live counselor. It's all about what works best for you!

Yes it Is!

Create Your Free Account

A Plan to Fit Your Needs

You don't have to decide now! Get started with our Basic plan for FREE and upgrade at anytime.



Access documents instructions and checklists to prepare and submit your plan.
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Get personalized help from a certified student loan expert plus access to RapidWrite.
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Plan Features
All Eligible Repayment Plan Options
Recommended "Best " Plan
Details of all Repayment Plans
Cancellation Identification
Estimated Forgiveness
Detailed Action Plan
Expert Chat Support
Automated Document Preparation
1-on-1 Counselor Session


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Experience Matters

For more than 25 years, Consumer Debt Counselors has been a consumer advocate providing thorough, detailed analysis of your debt- and credit-related issues. Student Debt Solution was developed to efficiently automate a counselor's knowledge of the rules, delivering a set of practical next steps tailored to each debtor’s unique situation. This online platform dives into the details to figure out the best solution for your financial goals and provides the tools to take the next steps.
We are a fully accredited, licensed and bonded 501(c)(3) nonprofit and a long standing member of the NFCC.
We are not a debt consolidator, collection agency, loan servicer, private lender or refinance company.