Bankruptcy Counseling and Debtor Education Courses
No one wants to have to go through bankruptcy, but if you do, you want support from someone you can trust. Consumer Debt Counselors has been approved since 2005 by the Executive Office for the United States Trustees (EOUST), a division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), to provide pre-filing bankruptcy counseling and post-filing debtor education in California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
Pre-Filing Bankruptcy Counseling
Required by law before you can file for bankruptcy. †
Includes 24/7 access to the Counseling in Motion online course.
Additionally includes a credit counseling session with a certified counselor and free educational resources.
No additional fees charged for completing the program jointly with a partner.
No additional fees charged to issue your certificate.
Post-Filing Debtor Education
Required by law before your debts can be discharged. ‡
Includes 24/7 access to the Money in Motion online course.
Additionally includes a debtor education session with a certified credit counselor.
No additional fees charged for completing the program jointly with a partner.
No additional fees charged to issue your certificate.
* Approval does not endorse or assure the quality of an Agency's services. UST has reviewed only the agency’s counseling and instructional services and has neither reviewed nor approved other services the agency may provide.
† Pre-filing bankruptcy counseling is required before you can file for bankruptcy.
‡ Post-filing debtor education is required before your debts can be discharge by the court.