Student Loans?


Loan Forgiveness


Talk directly with a Student Loan Financial Advisor to qualify for this exciting new program.

No fee or obligation.



Develop the Right Plan for Debt-Free Future

There are a lot of options to address student loan debt, but how do you know what’s right for you?

If you don’t have all the facts, you risk making a decision that can cost you – both now and into the future.

Detailed Analysis
SDS reviews your entire debt situation, financial status and current goals to provide the best scenario for the lifetime of your loans. Don’t risk making decisions on incomplete information.Simple

We ask questions, you answer! SDS evaluates 1000+ data points in a short Q&A format. As an expert in this field for 12+ years, we understand the law and the best way to navigate it.

Clear Recommendations
Move forward with the confidence you’re on the right track with a personalized, easy-to-understand action plan. A checklist provides straightforward next steps on how to begin your journey.

Need extra help? Talk to one of our certified student loan counselors.

Student loan counselors can be an important ally, especially if you are dealing with a lot of student loan debt or if you are in a complex situation.

In a typical counseling session, your certified student loan counselor will help you assess your short- and long-term financial goals. They can help you collect your loan information and create a budget to give you a clear picture of your financial situation.

Our counselors understand that one size doesn't fit all.  They can help determine what student loan repayment and/or discharge opportunities may be beneficial to you given your specific circumstances. They can also formulate an action plan to help you complete any necessary changes required to help you reach your goals.

Once you complete your online analysis, you'll have the opportunity to add counseling services or even implementation services if you wish. An additional fee will apply.

Getting Financial Aid was easy, but now what do you do?

Soon after graduation, you get passed off to a loan servicer that has no idea what they’re doing. You call them, and the person gives you an answer. Then you call back, and another person gives you an entirely different answer. Your time is too valuable to be wasting like this. Maybe you’re single and just starting out, or maybe you’re married (or soon will be) and kids are in the picture. You have the same bills as everyone else, but there are two problems: Not only are you starting later in life because of your education, but there’s massive amounts of debt getting in your way.  So what do you do?

Our job is to find the best repayment option for you.

If you’re struggling with five or six figures of student loans, we want to hear from you. Don’t keep your head in the sand and avoid looking at your loan statements. Feel confident in the approach you’re taking instead. Compare student loans to something else that’s complicated: taxes. If your taxes are complex, you hire a CPA. If you owe five or six figures in student loans, book a consultation with one of our Student Loan consultants. We'll look at your federal loans as well as your private loans (if you have both). We’ll show you how to maximize the right student loan forgiveness programs, like Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), if you're eligible. We’ll look at your debt-to-income ratio along with your interest rate and see if consolidation and refinancing make sense for you (or rule it out).